The Tidewater Blacksmith’s Guild is dedicated to preserving the craft of blacksmithing and increasing public awareness of the history of our craft, while at the same time demonstrating that in this automated machine world, things hand-made still exist and remain objects of art. The Tidewater Blacksmith’s Guild is a local member organization chartered under the Artist-Blacksmith’s Association of North America Inc. (ABANA), a non-profit organization.
The Guild had it’s beginnings in the fall of 1995. Mitch Linden, TBG’s founding President, got a list of local blacksmith’s from ABANA, and called around to see if anyone was interested in forming an ABANA chapter. The first meeting was held in November 1995 at the Career Development Center in Va. Bch., where Jon Cookson was an Instructor, and had volunteered the shop space. Read more…